We know you’ve been on the edge of your seat waiting for this year’s red carpet highlights video... Well, wait no more!
Check out the highlights from the 2020 festival, featuring red carpet interviews with finalists and winners and clips from all your favourite films of the year!
We’d like to say a HUGE thanks to Event Cinemas Liverpool for having us back this year as our venue sponsor and helping us keep Made in the West in the heart of the western suburbs where it rightfully belongs! We couldn’t be more proud to showcase Western Sydney films on such an amazing Vmax big screen and we are already looking forward to working with you again next year for our HUGE 10th birthday festival.
Hats off to our crew on the night who helped capture all the festival highlights this year: Luke Walker, our wonderful sponsor from Luke Walker Productions, Daragh Lane (producer), Dr Holly Kaye-Smith and Jess Pabian (hosts), Vuk Mikic, Daniel Ek (cameras) and Emily Mumford (artist liaison) - we love your work! Big thanks too to Geline Garcia, our talented editor - whose work always begins when ours ends.
This year's Red Carpet Highlights video gives us ALL the feels as we remember the what a great night it was!
Congratulations, Western Sydney!
Not only did we get over fifty short film submissions from local filmmakers this year, but we were also seriously blown away by the quality of the films being submitted. Especially during this crazy year that was 2020, we are so impressed!
We love seeing Western Sydney raising the bar year upon year and we’re so proud of the film work being made in the west these days.
Once again, we’d like to say thank you to everyone involved in Made in the West 2020 – from the 53 entrants, 28 VIP finalists, 3 major trophy winners, 8 individual award winners and our first ever People’s Choice Award -- well done to you all.
To our 9 VIP judges and 10 local sponsors who gave of their time and their services to support our cause - thank you.

A special shout out goes to our volunteers and friends who jumped on board this year to make our double screening the huge success it was -- 30 event crew - our biggest yet!
And of course the audience in our two live screenings and all the viewers at home who voted online -- all of you contributed to the success of this year’s event!
We're so lucky that we were able to celebrate 2020 with you.
Made in the West will be back next year to roll out the red carpet once again and celebrate our 10th festival year in style at Event Cinemas, Liverpool -- we’re so excited!
We’ll be looking back on ten festival years and checking in with some of the biggest winners in our festival history to see what they’ve been up to. It’s all part of an exciting new project we’re working on with the Rabbit Hole at WSU that we can’t wait to announce.
The festival itself will be a night to remember! Friends and collaborators from across the country will gather for a VIP celebration fitting for a tenth festival birthday for Made in the West. And of course, you can bet your last dollar we’ll be showcasing the best local festival line-up in town, as always, with more amazing films made by Western Sydney filmmakers.
You won’t want to miss it!
Sign up to our newsletter to stay in the loop (click on the pink banner on our website!) or you can follow us on FB, Insta or Twitter, or for something a little more fun you can tune in to hear Roscoe on The Pagey Train podcast giving occasional sneak peeks at festival news plenty of filmmaker interviews with the 2020 finalists throughout the year - available on YouTube, Spotify, IHeartRadio and wherever else you get your podcasts.
We’ll see you next year!