Congratulations Western Sydney filmmakers for a record-breaking year of films!! We had nearly sixty submissions this year which is bloody brilliant for a little festival like Made in the West -- what a way to kick off our 8th annual film festival for local filmmakers! We are just blown away by the quality of the productions being made here in the West right now and we'd like to say well done to all of the filmmakers who submitted a film this year.
Please put your hands together now and give a HUGE round of applause to our 58 festival entrants, because they all deserve your congratulations!

We know how much work goes into making films and we salute you all for putting in the days, weeks (months!) of effort that is needed to pull together a successful project. Bravo to you! And we also know that once a film is finished, the goal we all have is to screen that film to an audience. That's how Made in the West was born -- we just wanted to screen our films!
These days, we only wish we had more screening time, because 2.5 hours is nothing considering over 11 hours of content was submitted this year! We truly wish we could include more films in our festival line-up.
Made in the West Film Festival is on Saturday 23 November. Doors open at 6pm for a full night of short films and filmmaker awards - join us there! Entry is FREE!!
Now, without further ado, we are very pleased to announce the 2019 Made in the West semi-finalist films (in alphabetical order):
11:59 to Washington Square - Submitted by Cat Sole
Aberration - Submitted by Monique Googh
Ankara Pride - Submitted by Thuy Nguyen
Another Crack In The Wall - Submitted by June Holmes
Arlo - Submitted by Wayne Tunks
Audio Guide - Submitted by Chris Elena
Back to Boggabri - Submitted by Jesse Secomb
Beyond 2770 - Submitted by Maisie Cohen
Big Tony - Submitted by Austen Watts
Campesinos - Submitted by Matias Bolla
Catch Up - Submitted by David Owen-Clarke
Colder - Submitted by Kenny Foo
Epilogues - Submitted by Timothy Malin and Tiarna Mar
Faceless - Submitted by Joshua Robinson
Going Down - Submitted by Andreas Toumbas
Granny - Submitted by David Burrowes
Huli Jing - Submitted by Lily Cheng
I Love You Sara - Submitted by Daniel White
Into the Rabbit Hole - Submitted by Jessica Pabian
Just Food - Submitted by Sabina Giado
Keys - Submitted by Jeremiah Puni
Larry Time - Submitted by Daniel Krige
Louise - Submitted by Antony Mann
My name is Mohamed and Raghad, We don't exist here anymore - Submitted by Ali Mousawi
Our Differences - Submitted by John K-ay
Out of Time - Submitted by Jacinta Kezelos
Prone to the Drone - Submitted by Miranda Aguilar
Roadmap: Next Turn Adulthood - Submitted by Brienna Collins
Seeker - Submitted by Michelle Kaldy
She Loves Me… - Submitted by Bella Merlino
SKUWS - Submitted by David Mansour
Sydney Sleuthers - Submitted by Joanna Beveridge
The Brave - Submitted by Michelle Kaldy
The Lonely Road - Submitted by Darren Hawkins
The Movie Magic Show Pre-Recorded in the Evening Tonight Live! - Submitted by Liam Tattersall
These Painted Streets - Submitted by Ahmed Parappil
Til Death Do Us Part - Submitted by Nawal Abdi
Tomgirl - Submitted by Vonne Patiag
Tomorrow Mourning - Submitted by Emma Elias
Toward the Rain - Submitted by Emma Elias
Welcome to the Family - Submitted by Elisa Cristallo
Yo Sister! - Submitted by Jay Harley
Congratulations to the entire list of 2019 semi finalists!
We’re excited for you all and we’re looking forward to sharing your films with everyone in the coming weeks. And while we know we still have some work ahead of us as we take this list of 42 films and turn it into an awesome line-up of 15-20 films, for now we’re just happy celebrating these great local filmmakers and their work.
Made in the West is coming to Liverpool on Saturday 23 November. TICKETS OPEN THIS SATURDAY 2 NOVEMBER AT 9AM.
Check back here on our website for more news in the coming days, or RSVP to our event on Facebook so you can stay up to date with all the finalist and nominee announcements, plus we’ll be sharing plenty of information about what to expect at the event -- we can't wait!