Made in the West Film Festival has a lot to be thankful for. We feel so privileged to be surrounded by such talented local filmmakers that is a real joy to share their stories on the big screen every year.
The community of filmmakers that we celebrate are dedicated, creative and very ambitious. Being in the crowd last Saturday at the festival was just electric, and for SSP, having hundreds of filmmakers in the room cheering for each other’s work was, without a doubt, the best part of the night (and a very large part of WHY we do what we do). We think this year’s festival showed exactly what Western Sydney is made of, and we were blown away!
Still Searchin’ Productions would like to thank some of the people who helped us make the 2018 Made in the West Film Festival possible. There are many moving parts that come into play on the night and we rely on the very generous help, time and talent of our festival crew and contributors.
Thanks to these heroes for their help at this year’s Made in the West:

Dan Thornton our red carpet photographer that spent the night snapping photos of our filmmakers throughout the intermissions. He captured such great shots of everyone and we can’t wait to release our gallery of photos tomorrow! You can check out more of Dan’s work HERE.
Huy Nguyen our red carpet photographer who spent the evening capturing the atmosphere in the room. Watch this space as you’ll all be seeing those pics very soon! You can follow Huy on Instagram to see more of his work HERE.
Peter Betts our red carpet cameraman who filmed the night and all our finalist interviews, thank you so much! We’re looking forward to seeing the footage you shot on the night and we’re sure the red carpet highlights are going to look amazing.
Geline Garcia our video editor whose work always begins once the festival is done! This year Geline is producer and editor of our red carpet highlights video which will hopefully be ready for us to share with you all next week! We love GG’s work and we know she’ll make the night look awesome, as always.

Ashleigh Morton our Front of House Manager who kept the entry queue moving and our intermissions running on time! Thank you for coming on board this year as we moved into our fab new venue, we were so lucky to have you with us.
Charu, Bridget and Elizabeth our wonderful volunteers who assisted us with at the doors with ticket check-in and handing out programs, assisting the SSP team and collecting the votes at the end of the night. Thank you all for your time, we really appreciated your help!
The team at Event Cinemas (Amy, Tia, Daniel & Teoni) thank you for opening your arms to us this year and welcoming us home to Western Sydney. Changing venues after four years was always going to be scary (and, as we discovered this year, also a whole lot of extra work!), but you made it all easy and enjoyable for us along the way. Thank you for supporting Western Sydney filmmakers and we look forward to working with you again next year!
And last, but certainly not least, thanks to the entire team of contributors at Still Searchin’ Productions including Ross, Misty, Jono, Casey, Nat, Steve, Dave and Carissa. Your commitment to Made in the West over the years has meant hundreds of local filmmakers now have a dedicated space to share their stories on the big screen.
Western Sydney’s film scene is finally on the map and we’re thankful you are part of it.

Made in the West Film Festival is incredibly grateful for the support offered by our contributors and we can’t wait to return in 2019 with even more amazing supporters on our side – it’s going to be our best year yet, we’re sure of it!
And by the way, if you’re reading this and you think you’d like to join us next year at Made in the West and contribute your time or talent to the event, get in touch and tell us what you think you can do to help!
We’re always happy to hear from new collaborators.
With love,