Still Searchin’ were in Liverpool earlier this month shooting a series of videos that will shine a spotlight on our 2017 Made in the West trophy winners!
We're excited to be hosting the 2018 Made in the West Film Festival at Event Cinemas in Liverpool on Saturday 24 November. Doors open at 6pm and entry is FREE! We'll roll out the red carpet, award thousands of dollars in prizes and treat you and your friends to a full night of short films produced by local filmmakers right here in Western Sydney.

To celebrate our new festival home town, we thought we'd head to Liverpool centre to shoot our latest interview series. Here we are in the Macquarie Mall with festival director, Ross Page.
Liverpool has a great vibe on the weekends with all the locals in the street chatting over coffee and old tunes crooning from the cafe bar.
Next stop: we had a delivery to make (our first ever cinema posters!) for Event Cinemas, located at the end of the Mac Mall on the rooftop level of Westfield Plaza.
While we were there we caught up with 2017 Best Student Film winner Liam Campbell to find out what he's been up to since we saw him last year at Made in the West.
Liam spoke to us about how it felt to walk the red carpet to accept his award and how what it was like to see so many other great local films on screen.

If you're a student filmmaker (or you know one!) and you have made a short film featuring cast, crew or locations from Western Sydney, then you should SUBMIT YOUR FILM to Made in the West! All student films will be in the running for the 'Best Student Film' award, which is decided by our independent panel of judges. The winner takes home a cool crystal trophy and your very own film clapper / sync slate donated by SSP, and an awesome DOP prize package valued at $3000 donated by local production company Nighthawk Productions. Just imagine - you could have award-winning cinematographer Rah Sharma on the set of your next short film!
One of the things you'll get out of attending the festival is access to a great community of filmmakers and potential collaborators. Even if you don't know anyone, the festival is a really welcoming space for emerging filmmakers to meet more established filmmakers, talk about the films that were made this year in Western Sydney and plan your next big project. We'll even be inviting a few local feature filmmakers, and of course, our judges and sponsors too, so who knows who you'll meet!
But don't just take our word for it - take a listen to Liam Campbell, winner of the 2017 Best Student Film at 2017 Made in the West Film Festival, he'll tell you all about it!