Still Searchin’ Productions proudly unveiled our first-ever Made in the West BILLBOARD this weekend, right in the heart of our new home town Liverpool.

This year will be our 7th annual film festival and each year we grow a little more, try something new, take a small step forward. Well, we’re so excited to have taken one GIANT step forward this year by teaming up with our new venue sponsor, Event Cinemas Liverpool and we thought, why not celebrate with something BIG to announce our arrival into town?!
We know you’re already planning your next visit to Liverpool so you can see this baby IRL …but in the meantime, here’s us lapping it up on your behalf!
So SAVE THE DATE for Made in the West Film Festival 2018 - we'll be celebrating Western Sydney filmmakers on Saturday 24 November at Event Cinemas, Liverpool - doors open 6pm! We hope you'll join us!