Made in the West Film Festival is excited to announce the prize packages for this year's festival awards! With over $12,000 in prizes this year, we just can't wait to see who WINS these amazing prizes!

To our 2017 FESTIVAL SPONSORS -- we are so impressed by the contributions you are making to this year's event and on behalf of all Western Sydney filmmakers, we thank you!!
Each year Still Searchin’ Productions puts on an evening of films for everyone to enjoy. SSP is an independent film group from Western Sydney and we love showing off our work once we've finished it -- and where better than on a big screen in front of a live audience??
We love planning and hosting Made in the West each year, firstly because we love watching short films made by people just like us, and secondly because we know there simply aren't many opportunities for Western Sydney filmmakers to screen work locally. We're inspired by what you do and we want you all to keep making films, right here on our home turf! SSP is proud to sponsor the event, our three major awards, and plus this year we've pitched in on some individual category prizes too.
It's not very often someone puts their hand up and says they want to support young artists and filmmakers from the West. But this year, we have been overwhelmed by the support being offered -- it just goes to show that Western Sydney filmmakers are now an important part of our local arts culture. We are so excited to have found so many local businesses willing to contribute to our cause.
Our sponsors' support for the Made in the West vision makes us even more thirsty to create a thriving Western Sydney film scene. We want to see more films being made here, more film jobs going to Western Sydney filmmakers, more arts venues and studios, and more audiences eager to watch our work. The generosity of this year's festival sponsors has helped us plan one of the best (and most rewarding!) festivals in town, with all the little trimmings that make Made in the West Film Festival such a great night for filmmakers.
We are excited to announce this year's fantastic prizes for our winners! And for the first time ever, all of our individual award categories (that’s our Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Cinematographer, Best Director, Best Editor and Best Sound Design) will all walk away with a prize. In fact, this year we are going to give away more than $12,000 worth of prizes!!!
Please join us in thanking our sponsors for 2017 Made In The West Film Festival!!

BEST IN THE WEST PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Still Searchin' Productions, Media Hub Australia, Prolive Productions, Digital Logic, Creative+Business and Golden Age Cinema)
Director of Photography Package: your next short film shot professionally by award winning cinematographer Rah Sharma and $5000 equipment rental voucher to go along with it, thanks to Prolive Productions and the team at Digital Logic
Voucher to your choice of Creative+Business workshop
Double pass to Golden Age Cinema
BEST STUDENT FILM PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Still Searchin' Productions, Media Hub Australia, Photo+Shop+Studio, Creative+Business and Golden Age Cinema)
Camera Bag
Film Slate
Voucher to your choice of Creative+Business workshop
Double pass to Golden Age Cinema.
AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Still Searchin' Productions, Media Hub Australia, Green Key Studio, Amazing People Pictures, Golden Age Cinema)
One full day Studio Hire at Green Key Studio
One on One Consultation with Michael Budd of Amazing People Pictures
Double pass to Golden Age Cinema
BEST ACTOR PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Irierootsini Photography)
Actor’s Profile Package photo shoot
BEST ACTRESS PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Irierootsini Photography)
Actor’s Profile Package photo shoot
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Still Searchin' Productions, Photo+Shop+Studio)
Camera Tripod
Reflector Kit
BEST DIRECTOR PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Sydney Prop Specialists)
One full day Studio Hire at TV Production Studio
BEST EDITOR PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Information + Cultural Exchange (I.C.E.))
Three full days of Edit Suite Hire
BEST SOUND DESIGN PRIZE PACKAGE (Sponsored by Still Searchin' Productions)
Audio Recorder and Headset
What an amazing loot for our festival winners this year! Thank you very much to the generosity of our festival sponsors -- they're helping make this year's event pretty damn special for all of us.
Made in the West 2017 is showcasing some GREAT FILMS and now, with some GREAT PRIZES to go along with it, we just can't wait for this year's event!
Don’t forget to invite your friends! As always, The Paddo RSL will kick in our DOOR PRIZES – a $50 bar card and a bottle of wine – both will find their way into the hands of two audience members who tag #madeinthewest on their way to the event, or post the best picture on one of our social channels (FB, Twitter, Insta) throughout the night.
Once again, THANK YOU to our 2017 sponsors!!